How to rent from us

First of all; give us a call and let us get looking at some homes!

We would encourage you to see properties in person where you can – and if you are local, we will insist on this. If you are moving from further afield, we can facilitate Skype, Facetime and WhatsApp Video Call viewings.

Once you have decided on the place for you, let us know – you can speak to your viewer or call the office. Don’t wait around too long on this part – as good places let quickly, usually two viewings and the the place is gone – so don’t wait around as we wouldn’t like you to be disappointed.

Once your home is reserved, you will need to pay a holding deposit to proceed (usually £175) and fill out the application forms – the holding deposit goes towards your first rent once referencing is all finished.

Once the referencing process is finished, our team will contact you to arrange your move in, you will sign your contract, pay your security deposit and first rent (which is pro-rata) the day before you move in and we will meet you at the property with keys.

Any questions on the above, contact the office in Manchester on by phone.

Call for Manchester

0161 399 1049

Call for Warrington & Cheshire

0330 043 2311